A different proposal?By, Edward JuarezImmigrant's Voice (TV program) Column: Week March 27, 2007 Give your opinion on our Immigration Forum Edward's Blog
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Edward Juarez | |
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Without a doubt the bipartisan bill presented by Congressman Luis Gutierrez, Democrat of Illinois and Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona before the House of Representatives, this well thought out. It answers the questions of republican congressmen and senators in assuring them that an amnesty will not be granted. It would criminalize the undocumented worker, his employers and any person who commits fraud in a job offer case or application to obtain legal residence. It would grant local Police Departments to arrest immigrants in violation of the law, similar to the bill HR 4437.
It would establish a program of temporary workers, and would offer residence, without guarantee, for the immigrants who entered the United States before 1ro of June of the 2006. This residence would be conditional to the economic situation of the country in following the six years. The immigrants, who stay employed during this period, would qualify to obtain their permanent residence. But legal status that would possibly allow you to obtain citizenship would probably come after 15 years, or during the decade of the 2020.
Afterwards, hundreds of thousands of relatives of citizens and residents obtain it for waiting many years with pending applications. Although this proposal would accelerate the granting of residence to those who have been waiting for many years, it would impossible that it becomes stable in next the six years, causing only more delays for new applicants. The most benefited will be the ones who started job offer cases and their immediate relatives, because approximately a million annual residences in this category are granted.
As you can note, those who have begun their residence by a job offer, will be first in obtaining their residency. If you have not started your case, do not wait any longer.
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