Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Lottery Deadline: December 3rd, 2006
By, Edward Juarez
Immigrant's Voice (TV program)
Column: October 28, 2006
Give your opinion on our Immigration Forum
Edward's Blog

Edward Juarez

Founder and President

If you are selected by the lottery and also you meet the qualifications, this will help you to obtain your permanent residence.

Deportation: Fearing a deportation for participating is a myth! Although nobody can guarantee to you that it will not happen; keep in mind that Immigration has not deported undocumented people who have cases pending for their legalization. Millions started their case before 30 April of 2001 under the section 245i or, and the majority remains undocumented, without a work permits and have not been deported.

Case pending: Although you may have a residency case pending, participate; because if selected you might be able to obtain it sooner. If you began your case before April 30 of 2001, you are protected by the benefits of section 245i of the Immigration Act and therefore, you will be able to obtain your residence without leaving the country.

If a case never started: It does not matter! Consider that as beneficiary of this visa lottery, you would join millions of immigrants who are awaiting legalization for having started their cases after April of 2001. Most of Congress supports undocumented people who have cases pending, over those that will initiate a case under a new Immigration Law.
Your application for the lottery must be received, only via internet, before noon of December 3rd, 2006.

If you win, it’s important that you evaluate your personal situation with a professional who is an expert in immigration, to consider the laws that will take place starting October 1st, 2007. Therefore, I recommend you to participate regardless of what your migratory status is, unless you have received a deportation order. Remember that there’s always much more to analyze before formulating a legal strategy.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Days Of The Indispensables

Day Of The Indispensables
By, Edward Juarez
Immigrant's Voice (TV program)
Column: October 21, 2006
Give your opinion on our Immigration Forum
Edward's Blog

Edward Juarez

Founder and President

It’s amazing, that after applauding the elections that would supposedly change the perception of the immigrants in the American Congress, more than 12 million human beings, the biggest “illegal” population in the world, continues to pray for its legalization, without greater recognition. At this time we begin to celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving Day, forgetting that the pilgrims that chose to come to these land were also immigrants.

Pay attention to what is said and written about this day; from asking a child of the meaning of this celebration to what is displayed in the annual parade, as well as in the commentaries; and you will notice that all venerate with pride the pilgrims of the 17th century. But who were those pilgrims? The pioneers, conquerors, precursors, founders, adventurers, explorers. And whom do these words describe? Who are these strange, different, unusual, rare, exotic, individuals considered from absurd to extraordinary by the way that expressed their customs?

The North American people cannot continue to forget those who forged their history. That spirit of extraordinary courage to leave everything back; their loved ones, their families, their properties, their environment, towards a new life. We cannot continue to leave behind these men, women and children who are in a state of civil violation (not criminal), and they become inadmissible, unacceptable and fugitives of the law.

In this traditional dinner of this Thanksgiving Day, after thanking God, let’s not forget to pray for our undocumented brothers, so that they may leave that state of persecution, humiliation and captivity, and as people, enjoy the freedom that they deserved, obtaining their legalization.

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Will There Be An Amnesty?

By, Edward Juarez
Immigrant's Voice
(TV program)
Column: November 07, 2006
Give your opinion on our Immigration Forum
Edward's Blog

Edward Juarez

Founder and President

Today it is a decisive day. Although it is doubtless that the President and the Congress of the nation will solve the legal situation of more than 12 million undocumented immigrants the next year, nobody can guarantee what group of people will be granted the chance to apply and who will benefit. For that reason it is important that all citizens vote today for a candidate who favors legalization.

The recent passing of the act calling for construction of a security fence started a precedent of a comprehensive act of immigration. The republicans have a new law, that shows those whom they represent, that they are managing to restrain illegal immigration and contraband, and will continue pressing to approve the proposal that criminalizes undocumented immigrants and to all persons that help them. The future of these congressmen will be known today, with the composition of a new Senate and House of Representatives majorities that will dictate the content of the new act of immigration of the 21st century.

Talking in person with several senators and congressmen, as well as the spokesman of the President, they confirm me that the majority moves in the direction of a law that grants one temporary legal residence to undocumented immigrants, because they infringed the laws. It would not be an amnesty, since those that benefit from the new law, will have to prove good faith in their intention to fix their situation according to the laws of the country. The proposal would require that before granting a benefit, all undocumented persons re-enter the United States with a legal visa. Eventually, they will qualify for permanent residence in about 14 or 16 years. We must pay attention on those who will make up the new Congress. Seeing what is coming, I recommend that you start your case under the present laws.
We are waiting for you!


Will There Be An Amnesty?

By, Edward Juarez
Immigrant's Voice
(TV program)
Column: November 07, 2006
Give your opinion on our Immigration Forum
Edward's Blog

Edward Juarez

oday it is a decisive day. Although it is doubtless that the President and the Congress of the nation will solve the legal situation of more than 12 million undocumented immigrants the next year, nobody can guarantee what group of people will be granted the chance to apply and who will benefit. For that reason it is important that all citizens vote today for a candidate who favors legalization.

The recent passing of the act calling for construction of a security fence started a precedent of a comprehensive act of immigration. The republicans have a new law, that shows those whom they represent, that they are managing to restrain illegal immigration and contraband, and will continue pressing to approve the proposal that criminalizes undocumented immigrants and to all persons that help them. The future of these congressmen will be known today, with the composition of a new Senate and House of Representatives majorities that will dictate the content of the new act of immigration of the 21st century.

Talking in person with several senators and congressmen, as well as the spokesman of the President, they confirm me that the majority moves in the direction of a law that grants one temporary legal residence to undocumented immigrants, because they infringed the laws. It would not be an amnesty, since those that benefit from the new law, will have to prove good faith in their intention to fix their situation according to the laws of the country. The proposal would require that before granting a benefit, all undocumented persons re-enter the United States with a legal visa. Eventually, they will qualify for permanent residence in about 14 or 16 years. We must pay attention on those who will make up the new Congress. Seeing what is coming, I recommend that you start your case under the present laws.
We are waiting for you!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Repercusion de Entrar Ilegal

Por Edward Juarez. La Voz del Inmigrante (Programa de TV)
Columna: 14 de Noviembre de 2006.
Opina en el foro de Inmigración |
Opina en el Blog de Edward Juarez

Eduardo Juarez
Fundador y Presidente

Recientemente, en uno de los programas radiales de 93.1 Amor -Temprano en la Mañana con Reyis', donde participo los jueves a las 7a.m.; un inmigrante me llamó quejándose que su abogado le está demorando mucho tiempo y que le requería varios miles de dólares para continuar con su caso. Había sido deportado, regresó ilegalmente, se casó con una ciudadana y ahora tiene 2 hijos nacidos aquí.

La complejidad de responder brevemente estos interrogantes, me motivó a comenzar una serie para analizar las complicaciones, generalmente 'irreversibles', que trae el desobedecer la orden de juez, después de una deportación. La mayoría de inmigrantes en esta situación, desconoce los cambios e implementación de las leyes de inmigración y la importancia que tiene el seguir estrictamente la recomendación legal de un profesional con extensa experiencia en inmigración.

Inmigrantes cruzan la frontera sin considerar las implicaciones del Acta de Inmigración de 1996 que califica a quienes regresan ilegalmente después de una deportación, como personas inaceptables para permanecer y obtener residencia en los Estados Unidos.
La implementación de esta ley se hace notar últimamente ya que extranjeros que regresaron ilegalmente se casaron con una ciudadana, y hasta tienen hijos ciudadanos mayores de 21 años, pero no pueden lograr su legalidad y permiso de trabajo.

Su deportación, juntamente con la entrada ilegal, lo descalifica de obtener residencia permanente, sin importar la relación que tenga con un ciudadano. A no ser que se obtenga el 'Restablecimiento de la Remoción', un procedimiento legal muy complicado y difícil de lograr. Este trámite puede demorar muchos años, frustrando a la familia por temor a un arresto y remoción sin compasión en cualquier momento. Continuaré analizando este tema en mis próximas columnas.

¡Los esperamos!


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Monday, November 13, 2006

By, Edward Juarez
Immigrant's Voice (TV program)
Column: November 07, 2006

Today it is a decisive day. Although it is doubtless that the President and the Congress of the nation will solve the legal situation of more than 12 million undocumented immigrants the next year, nobody can guarantee what group of people will be granted the chance to apply and who will benefit. For that reason it is important that all citizens vote today for a candidate who favors legalization.

The recent passing of the act calling for construction of a security fence started a precedent of a comprehensive act of immigration. The republicans have a new law, that shows those whom they represent, that they are managing to restrain illegal immigration and contraband, and will continue pressing to approve the proposal that criminalizes undocumented immigrants and to all persons that help them. The future of these congressmen will be known today, with the composition of a new Senate and House of Representatives majorities that will dictate the content of the new act of immigration of the 21st century.

Talking in person with several senators and congressmen, as well as the spokesman of the President, they confirm me that the majority moves in the direction of a law that grants one temporary legal residence to undocumented immigrants, because they infringed the laws. It would not be an amnesty, since those that benefit from the new law, will have to prove good faith in their intention to fix their situation according to the laws of the country. The proposal would require that before granting a benefit, all undocumented persons re-enter the United States with a legal visa. Eventually, they will qualify for permanent residence in about 14 or 16 years. We must pay attention on those who will make up the new Congress. Seeing what is coming, I recommend that you start your case under the present laws.




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